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Web Development Companies – Framing the Brands
The article will talk about the role of web development companies and how these companies are helping the products/services to become a brand. Therefore, read the article carefully.
Web Development Services – Stand Out From the CrowdThe above article provides a basic insight, as to how to go about hiring a company to develop a website for you. The article talks about what to keep in mind and what to watch out for when deciding to get a website developed for your business.
What Handy Tools Has Firefox Added For Web Developers?At the beginning of February, Firefox for Windows, Mac and Linux released some handy tools for web developers that will allow them to change the look and feel of a website in real time. This will make the job of a developer much easier and will allow them to do some incredible things with the internet. But what are some of these new tools and what do they mean for the web development industry?
Learn to Color Your Site for an Impressive WordPress DesignBasically, the theme is used to give a website a sort of “skin”. However, in WordPress platform, designing a theme means having more control on the overall appearance of a website or weblog. Obviously, great-looking sites garner more visitors than websites that use standard or default colors only. Thus, it is very important to know how to utilize the color schemes in WordPress to create an enticing site. The color of the site has a great impact on the choice of the visitors whether to stay on your site or not.
4 Facts About Web Optimization That Every Business Owner Should Know AboutMost people believe that web optimization isn’t easy and in order to optimize a website, one must spend many weeks understanding the concept. This article will prove otherwise by elaborating on the key concepts of web optimization techniques.
Benefits of Customized Web Application DevelopmentCustomized web applications differ from standard web applications. Depending on what features you are looking for will depend on which type of application works best for you.
What Is Mozilla Pancake And What Does It Mean For Web Development?A few days ago, Mozilla (you know, those guys behind the Firefox search engine) announced that they are launching a new experiment, known under the name “Pancake”, that is said the change everything we know about the web. But the question that many are starting to ask is, how is Mozilla planning on revolutionizing the web and what will all this mean for those of us currently working in the web development industry? There is an area of the Mozilla network, known as Mozilla Labs, that focuses solely on creating experiments that are designed to make the internet better and more easily used.
What You Didn’t Know About The Web Developer ToolbarThere can be no denying that the web developer toolbar is not handy and useful for a variety of reasons – but if you haven’t taken the time to explore this toolbar, like most web developers, you have probably only just scratched the surface of features it has to offer. View Image Information – This feature offers a quick way for web developers to see all of the images on a given page (including those that have been used as backgrounds). The images are listed in a new tab, along with their paths, dimensions…