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Why the New Must Have for Businesses Is Responsive Design
In this day and age, smartphones are everywhere and in the hands of many people. On these small handheld devices, you can take your business to your customers when they are on the go, in a coffee shop or on the couch. You may wonder what your customers see as your website comes up on their screen. There are many good reasons why Responsive Design is an upcoming hot trend in website design. Basically, Responsive Design is a website or email that adapts or responds to what the user uses to view the page. For marketers who want an email or website to be easier for an audience to read, responsive design is what they use.
Maximize Your Website for All Screen Sizes – Responsive Web Design.The key challenge behind RWD is one of design: how to seamlessly adapt to the end-user needs, as well as the viewing screen’s capabilities, without losing your website’s primary messaging or intent. Let’s suppose, for example, that a mobile user will be viewing your site.
Freelance Writers: Do You Control Your Website, or Does Someone Else?Many freelance writers aren’t tech savvy. I know I wasn’t when I first started out in 1993. Back then, websites weren’t as important to your success; I didn’t even have a website until 1999. After spending several thousand dollars to a web designer and still not being satisfied with it, my sister and I (we owned an editorial business at the time together) learned how to do simple ones in HTML. Since then, I’ve built probably 30 or 40 websites. And boy am I ever glad I developed this skill. Now, none of my websites will ever win a design award, but they are functional and work well for what I need. With all of this being said, following are three reasons it’s critical for freelance writers and bloggers to learn how to update their own web presences.
Build Your Joomla Site in Five Quick StepsIt is true that Joomla is an excellent open source web content management system. It lets you create all kinds of websites. You just need to know the simple method of building your Joomla site in five simple steps. You can explore the real process of converting your design files into Joomla in upcoming paragraphs.
A Brief Overview of Web DevelopmentWeb development involves design, launch as well as publishing of a website. Developing a website can be both exciting as well as tiresome. Those who want to design a website often seek help and advice from the experts.
Great Ecommerce Themes for DrupalDrupal has emerged one of the best content management systems available in internet for all kind of users. For using Drupal as your ecommerce website, there are number of themes available for easy customization. Here is an overview about some of good ecommerce themes for Drupal.
Adorn Your School With Joomla LMS in Seven Simple StepsIt becomes tough for academicians to keep a tab on the management issues of their institutions. The big part of their time goes in updating mark sheets, taking regular attendance, and approaching the parents of their students. This time should go in research to enhance the intellectual level of their students.
Thoughts on Website Usability ServicesAt first the internet made it possible for people to reach other people and information via the internet services. Then people became accustomed to using the internet to gain information and contact others so they wanted the devices that performed these actions to be portable. The laptop was designed so people who wanted portable internet services to have them.