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Create Your First Website – An Internet Wealth Primer
A one-page website is all you need to start making money online. If you can master the basics (and it really is pretty simple if you follow a good example) then you’re set to build your business by repeating the process as many times as you think necessary.
How a Small Business Website Can Increase Your SalesIf you have a small business website, you need to make sure it’s optimized to bring in more customers and increase sales. Find out how to develop a Unique Selling Proposition that makes your website a “selling machine” 24/7, 352 days a year.
Rich Internet Application – The Road to RIAWhat do you need to do to retain a visitor on your site for more than the average three minutes? Simple, put up an interactive application that leaves the user asking and coming back for more. A Rich Internet Application or just RIA for short is nothing but that interactive application on your website.
Get a Website and Satellite Broadband Internet For a Rural BusinessWith Satellite broadband connection, small and medium size enterprises can conduct their businesses successfully even in rural areas. Small businesses can take their business to new heights by having a professional website. This article tells in detail about the benefits of having a Satellite Internet connection in rural areas.
Your New Website – Testing, Testing, 1-2-3Are you so delighted to have your new website that you forget to test everything before signing off? Follow this simple 8 step checklist to ensure you are completely satisfied before final payment.
How I Started Creating My Own SiteI have been thinking about creating my own website for years, but I just never knew how to do it. Like most people when I finally decided creating my own website is what I wanted to do I turned to the Internet. I love the Internet because it has so much information right there at your finger tips. This time though it was an unfortunate thing that there was so much information.
How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Website?As a web developer, I get asked this question a lot. I find that the best reply to such a question is: “How much does a car cost?” Or “How much does a house cost?”. It’s a much better way of answering the question than blabbering on needlessly about backend complexity and design issues. Normal people don’t care about all of that. They just want a price.
Website Development For SEO – FTP Set Up GuideHow to set up your FTP account and install a theme that will enable website development for SEO techniques. Most themes offered through WordPress are not SEO optimized, so using FTP is essential to install your theme.