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A sole proprietor author’s website cannot compete in an SEO battle with the likes of Amazon, Goodreads or even Lowes. A mom and pop book store stands not a chance against the Dell or Toshiba SEO wizards. The cost of effective AdWords can easily push you into a state of over-investment in fixed assets. The big players, the companies that pump SEO steel, strive by keeping the ante above your reach.
Top Reasons To Use HTML 5 to Build Your Mobile WebsiteEveryone knows that smartphone users are growing at a whopping rate and the growth will not stop in the near future. In this smartphone loaded, tablet-driven digital environment, businesses are faced with the challenge of creating and offering their customers a unique mobile experience that keeps them coming back for more.
How to Diagnose Causes Of Poor Website PerformanceWhere most coaches focus the majority of their marketing time is in their website. Creating sales pages, writing blog posts, implementing opt in offers and the list goes on. Your website is the backbone of your marketing and speaks to your audience on your behalf on a 24/7 basis. So if it’s not working for you, your business is in trouble.
Virtual “Unreality”: How the Internet Has Altered Our Sense of the WorldWe have a world today with such mindboggling changes that have occurred within the computer revolution. The possibility of digital information to travel across the world with the speed of light and persist years and years is quite remarkable. What we are seeing with these changes is not just about the quantitative nature of digital information, but the fundamental exponential increases in processing power and storage capacity, which has to do not only about the function of computer technology, but its diversity both in terms of its usage and place in the world.
Aim For Better Business Promotion Via Custom WordPress Plugin DevelopmentThere’s no denying of the truth that plugins are indeed amazing tools with incredible potential to change websites for better. However, opting for custom WordPress plugins yields a more fulfilling user-experience and allows you to invite people for exploring everything you’ve got to offer them.
How To Increase Conversion Rates For a Web Development CompanyFor achieving higher conversion rates for a web development company, it is must that the company should impress the visitors with its own site so that he is compelled to hire it. Make sure that your site is user friendly in performance and wonderfully pleasing in designs. Display your great work through an interesting portfolio and keep your load time to the minimum limits. All these points will get you more conversions.
Internationalization Based on CSS Scripts Necessary for JavaScriptWhen you are working on JavaScript, you will see that you need to address internationalization. Let’s understand what this means from the front end point of view. When you are reading a website, you naturally want to read it in your own language, if possible.
Create Custom and Dynamic Website With the PHP DevelopersPHP is one of the most commonly and widely used scripting languages that is used for developing websites and web applications. One of the probable reasons why it is high in demand is because of its open source and highly flexible and functional nature.