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Every developer wants programming for web applications to remain as simple as it can get. Most of them want to work with a framework that is simple and easy to use. Similarly, every business wants a technology that helps it save time and cost for its web development projects.
Why To Choose WordPress CMS For Your Next Business Website?It’s important to have a powerful and feature-rich website for the business. Not having the same can be detrimental to the health of your business in a time where the business world is turning competitive by the day.
Key Factors to Consider for Hiring Offshore Development PartnerLet’s have a read about key factors to hiring offshore development partners. We are sharing here the important points which helps you to choose best.
B2B Portal Development: A Few Merits UnlockedWhat does successful B2B portal development entail in its entirety? Ask your peers and they will probably tell you that it’s a combination of different levels of skills including DB planning, GUI design architecture design and middle tier integration and coding. Now ask yourself. Would you believe that the possible conversion of your website into a B2B portal can actually result in significant improvement in the growth of revenue and that all this can happen in a month?
How a Good Website Development Company Can Help You in Your Start-Up Business?For start-ups, it is really very important to first of all hire a professional website development company as there are a number of benefits associated with it. Have a look at some of the benefits which you can’t afford to miss. These benefits can help you not just establish a good online business but ensure its smooth running too.
3 Reasons Why Your Website Speed MattersInternet users don’t like to wait. So web agencies must build a website with a page load speed of 2 seconds in order to perform well.
When Designing Your Own Website or Blog, Here’s Some Mistakes to AvoidAre you new to the internet? Is WordPress too difficult for you to use when it comes to starting up your own website or blog? I am completely NEW to the internet, here’s my story.
Why PHP Is An Ideal Programming Language?PHP is one of the easiest server side scripting languages which is specially designed to create dynamic web pages and also used as a general-purpose scripting language, which is originally invented in the year 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf. PHP is a Hypertext Preprocessor, which originally stands for Personal Home Page.