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How to Make a Website Icon for the Address Bar
Making an icon for your website that will be displayed on the address bar is a great way to help your website stand out form your competition. This type of icon is also known as a ‘favicon,’ which is short for ‘favorite icon.’ Along with helping your website stand out, these little icons are also added to a bookmark should visitors decide to make your website a favorite. This will once again bring more exposure for you and your website.
Making a Website Without Spending a FortuneHaving your own website can be very beneficial. You can get your ideas out into the world, you can start a business or even give the world more knowledge. The only problem is that creating a super website could cost a fortune.
iPhone Applications That Are Handy For Web DesignersGone are the days when the web designers had to start developing the website right from the scratch. Nowadays there are iPhone applications that can aid the web designers to make their task much easier. iPhone giving plenty of flexibility for many business owner and employee, web designers group are one of them.
Mobile Website Developer – How To Hire The Right OneYour mobile website has to be designed with the utmost of care. Therefore, it is going to be apparent that the right person should be used to develop the site. This type of site is something that will attract people to what you have to sell or say. As a result, it is very critical that the right mobile website developer be chosen to give the site professional look it needs. There are a variety of people that call themselves a developer, but this does not mean that they can do the task that you require of them.
iPhone Application Development – Blunders That Can Be AvoidediPhone has been one of the most unique smart phones in the market, so much so that it can be said that it has the potential of overrunning the competition. The iPhone is not only empowered with the built in features but also has the capability of being customized with other add on features. The innovative strategy of starting the iTunes store to motivate the developers to develop new iPhone applications is worth a eulogy.
Why Are Websites Important for Small BusinessesBoth the advertising and marketing, while necessary, are expensive and often times hard to justify for the small business owner on a limited budget. This is where the website and establishing a strong web presence comes into play.
How To Create Your Own Website in 5 Simple StepsThere was a time when website design required the knowledge of special computer programming languages. This is however, no longer the case. User friendly software that make web development extremely simple are presently available.
5 Questions To Ask Before Choosing a Web DeveloperWeb developers have different levels of expertise. While two different web developers may claim five years of experience, one might be more capable and match your needs more closely. In addition to the usual interview questions, try asking these 5 questions to find the right web developer for your next project.