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Vital to your success is a website. Now we all know we can get a professional to help you with this and it will cost you money. Depending on what you want on your website will determine how much. But be warned, this can run into the thousands. As I didn’t have hundreds to spend, let alone thousands, I decided I would try to understand the basics myself first.
Create A Flash Website For MeditationIf you have no web development or coding experience, you might think that it would be too time consuming and too expensive to develop a flash website yourself, but it isn’t. There are many companies on the Internet that offer free or low-cost flash website templates that anyone can use to develop a site with audio and video.
Website Development With a Phased ApproachYour website will be the most important part of your business and an asset so it is vital that when website development takes place a phased approach is taken to include planned milestones, approvals and clearly defined deliverables. The website development should roughly be having the following phased approach.
PHP Web Development – Reasons Why to Use ItFrom inception PHP has helped transform how web development is done and also the way dynamic sites are developed. There are many things involved with web development such as flexibility, scalability, user friendliness and usability.
How To Create A Website QuicklyCreating a website shouldn’t be a daunting task. In fact, it should be quick and easy. You can be publishing webpages on your own domain which you are about to register, within an hour. Easy.
How To Build a WordPress Theme Fast and EasyIf you really want to maximize the earning potential of your business, then learning how to build WordPress theme will greatly help. So if you want to expand your business online, then having a professionally designed website will contribute to the overall appeal of your business. Also, the best part about this is that the more people you attract the more hits you will get thus creating opportunity to make a sale. By utilizing the power of a website, you can promote your products and reach people around the globe.
Ajax Web Development – Why Use It for Your Website?Gone are the days when HTML was the only technology used for creating websites. Times have changed and so have the Internet market demands. It’s not only about static websites any longer. There’s so much more to website development now-dynamic websites, blogs, online stores, CMS etc.
Apple’s Hostility Toward Adobe Products – The Impact on WebsitesWe are in the midst of a technology war initiated by Apple Computer’s decision to exclude Flash support on its popular iPad, iPod and iPhone units. Citing incompatibility with battery efficiency, Apple contends that this decision was made with the best interest of the user in mind. As a website developer, I beg to differ.