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Maintain High Performance: Tips for Increasing Loading Speed of Your Website
If your website takes too much time to load, this can literally kill your revenue stream. Google has recently announced that website speed is an important factor in their SEO ranking. Your slow website can cost you the search engine spiders, visitors and what not.
PHP Web Development – Tips to ConsiderPHP web development is one of the most popular ways of establishing your online presence. Just to simplify and accelerate this process, certain tips and suggestions have discussed in this piece of content.
Cloud Hosting: What Lies Ahead?Cloud hosting is in the early stage of development and implementation. It looks like a promising option for future database management. However, the threats must be taken care of soon as this technology may give hackers access to your data.
Smartphones Are Helping the Busy Executives in Their BusinessesAs a multipurpose and really efficient device, smartphones are considerably helping the busy executives to be more productive in their businesses. Many important business related tasks now can be done with the help of the smartphones from remote locations.
Micro Niche Sites – Why Do Customers Hate Micro Niche SitesPeople are getting frustrated on the way they’re being treated on micro niche sites. This article talks about the reasons on why they hate micro niche sites.
What Is The Difference Between Static And Dynamic Web Development?Are you in the process of having a website built for your business or organization? If so, you may have heard your web development team throw around the terms ‘static’ and ‘dynamic’ – and have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. Knowing the difference between these types of websites is important in helping you choose which you should use.
PSD to WordPress Is Better Than You Thought It Would BeWhen any discussion on content management system takes place, inadvertently WordPress becomes the focus. Over the years, WordPress has graduated from merely a blogging platform to a dedicated CMS used for running many kinds of website.
7 Key Performance Indicators for Your WebsiteWebsites have increasingly become the primary channel for sales of goods and services. Many small and medium enterprises (SME) rely heavily on their websites for their revenue. However, it is surprising how little attention is paid to analysis and measurement of this vital sales channel.