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Understanding the Basics of Web Development Process
Web development is described as a method of encrypting or coding a standard language to build a website by means of programming. The development process involves web design, content development, e-commerce development and server configuration. It works from the most basic text applications to the most complicated net applications.
Four-Step Strategy To Build An Exceptional Magento StoreIn case, you are looking for a robust and exceptionally competent web management system then Magento can be a right choice for you. It is an extremely resourceful open source web content management system.
Is Security Required For Protecting Your Website? If Yes, Then To How Much Extend?There are various other reasons why websites are hacked. Some hack websites simply for fun while others hack to steal certain secret information yet others hack due to mere hatred they bear against others. Whatever be the cause, the most important thing that we must bear in mind is that we must prevent it at any cost. You must always provide as many safety measures as possible to prevent your site from getting hacked.
3 Reasons to Purchase a Quit Smoking Turnkey WebsiteIf you have ever considered starting an online business or purchasing a turnkey website then why not consider one in the quit smoking niche. With the rising cost of smoking, and the many health risks it carries, many more people are searching online for easy low-cost ways to quit smoking.
The Role of Web Design Company in Incorporating SEO in WebsitesAs web designing became an important part of marketing services the role of web designing company also grew. The process of creating a website required expert hands. Initially the website creation mainly needed the knowledge of HTML and basic flash software.
Significance of Website StatisticsWebsite Development is not all about creating a good website, but it is more about your business and online marketing of your products and services. As more ‘n’ more businesses or organizations are getting into web development, it has become crucial for website owners to keep track of their site statistics to cope with constantly changing user requirements. Website statistic and analysis has become an essential part of website development.
Tips To Enhance Software Testing EfficiencyDuring a software development process, a simple loophole in code can create huge losses not only for software users but even for development companies. Well-known example is Y2K problem. That’s the reason it becomes important to improve testing and bring it at a level where the software will be reliable.
A Brief Summary of Professional Web DevelopmentWeb development includes all areas in building a site for the web. Areas included are programming, web design, server administration, content management, marketing, testing and operation. The term can particularly be used as the “back end” as well which is programming and server administration. Typically, there’s a team that works on the whole process, where each has its own specialization.